Last week was a bumpy one, but it was also full of revelations for me.
In my last newsletter, I recommended $RAT at 500k market cap. It now reached over 5M mcap at the time of this post. That’s more than a 10x.
On top of that, this alpha was FREE. But now I want to share what I learned.
RAT Escape was created to begin your escape journey. This journey will not stop until its mission is achieved. Rattus always keeps his promise.
This is my biggest takeaway after a two weeks roller coaster with RAT:
Especially if they are made by companies or venture capital (VCs)!
They do NOT have your best interest at hear!
This is why $RAT, as a community-driven project under the YCC hood, has a HUGE advantage. We are not a company with operational expenses, we do not have shareholders or employees, we do not need to pay any investors. None of that crap.
We are 100% decentralized and RAT Escape is our project, a group effort into the unknown. Turned out pretty damn amazing so far. We have over 1,100 holders too!
Many times I analyzed other coins and tokens made by others with various fundamentals. However, now that we have RAT, I understand that creating your own token gives you unprecedented insights and knowledge.
You are the alpha.
This means, you have an edge nobody in the market has with respect to your token. This is what those companies and VCs have when you buy their token or coins.
And trust me, THEY DUMP ON YOU HARD.
In the case of RAT, if anyone dumps (it already happened), they are a random Joe trying to secure life changing money. That’s better than any VC and we accept it as a way to give back.
We’re actually changing people’s lives with RAT, not making VCs richer.
As the biggest whale after the betrayal, I did not sell or cash-out any money. Any sales or transactions were made to further our mission such as getting listed on CEXes and marketing.
I update our Patrons Pro members regularly in our Discord on the status of my wallets, which are anyway public! The best marketing is transparency. This is it! If you have more than 1M RAT tokens, ping Duo on Discord. I will add you to our PRO channels for free.
What did we spend money on to date from our RAT Treasury?
75k USDT to get listed on 4x big centralized exchanges in December (more info later)
20k on marketing, shilling, promotion, and advertisements
1k on website hosting and related server costs
I am currently exploring the best tools we can use to promote RAT across various platforms. We also paid a $1,000 add on Dexscreener, but ran out in 12h lol. In any event, we plan a major update to our website to help with onboarding new holders and retaining them.
This work is done by our members on a voluntary basis!
This week we also partnered with Meteora and Moralis which are now featured on our website. I welcome partnerships. If you like RAT, reach out to build synergies. If you’re just a RAT, do what you can. Shill, post, engage.
The point of centralized exchanges is to increase our holder base by getting more exposure, volume, and market capitalization.
As soon as RAT goes over $10M mcap, we can consider ourselves in a VERY exclusive club. We’ve already achieved $5M mcap with just our members and community.
This is HUGE.
And here is where the last alpha comes. Communities like YCC are rare in crypto. They are not many. This makes RAT a very unique and rare proposition to anyone reading this.
I’ve been in this space for 10 years and I NEVER had the opportunity to join such a project this early, in this fashion. You are all “VCs” in RAT if you get in at this market capitalization. I do NOT have a better asymmetric bet to shill you.
We will list on CEXes later in December. After that, we will all find out what happens next. We are all RATs and we follow Rattus.
Trust the plan.
~ Rattus
This newsletter is made possible with the generous support of our Patrons and partners. Upgrade your experience by becoming a Patron for lifetime access to our exclusive private alpha! Details are available on our Patrons page.
All info is provided for educational purposes only and is not financial advic
You do not have to trust Duo, you can verify him!
His Wallet addresses are public!
This makes RAT unique in Crypto.