I started crypto with $700. You?
Bought the top of 2014 and then got rekt. A classic lesson, but there's more.
Cycles in crypto repeat. That is a given. What’s less obvious is that the lessons from being in this market also repeat, like clockwork.
Every mistake I’ve done, others did after me. Again, and again. How can you fix that?
By joining an authentic crypto community with members ahead of you in this journey. That’s why YCC was created.
Let’s explore this story in more details.

You join crypto full of confidence, pumped, and ready to get rich. The reasons can be many. Greed or wanting to improve your family situation are common answers.
However, regardless of your motivation, your dream will be faced with the most challenging adversary you’ve ever faced in your life.
The market.
It does not care about your opinions, emotions, or financial situation. It will give and take equally. You have no control over it, only yourself, and how you react to it.
Many learn this some time later after starting their crypto journey. If you enter this market with a bold attitude, and with size, expect to get hurt. Don’t turn early lessons into expensive ones. They don’t have to be. Keep it simple and small, especially at the start. The lessons are the same!
I was lucky to start crypto early, but what I learned is that since 2009 we’ve not had anything come close to the innovation Bitcoin unleashed. Maybe Ethereum and its DeFi ecosystem come as a close second. But even there, you are faced with 10,000 altcoins competing against each other, including with Ethereum.
Bitcoin does not have this problem. It has no competitors.
Therefore, if you are new to crypto and want to make a splash with size, buy Bitcoin, and only Bitcoin. That has the lowest chance of you getting hurt later. You can still get rekt if you buy the top and you join late in a cycle, but you have good odds to recover that loss eventually.
This is not the case with altcoins. Take the Cosmos ecosystem or ATOM. A promising competitor to Ethereum in 2021, turned into a disaster three years later.
ATOM’s price is lower today than when Bitcoin bottomed at 15k in 2022. Its bear market never ended, it got worse! Just look at the chart. This picture speaks volumes to the situation in the altcoin space.
How many altcoins experienced the same situation lately? It's a long list.
Altcoins like Solana, that did a 25x since its $8 low in 2022, are an exception! And these exceptions rarely repeat for the same altcoin. In light of that, betting on alts is a bet with the odds against you, in most cases.
If you're lucky to buy into an altcoin that does a 10x or more, then consider yourself lucky and secure those profits by buying Bitcoin. Bitcoin has been the only coin to make higher highs for over 15 years.
To date, both Ethereum and Solana failed to make a higher high or an ATH in this cycle, but Bitcoin did! Perhaps a warning to be extra careful with altcoins.
Every year I am more convinced that Bitcoin is the only good bet long term. If you're here for quick gains, no harm in trying your luck with altcoins, but if you plan to stick around for more than a few years, make Bitcoin your end goal.
If you plan to stick around, don’t do it alone. Join an authentic crypto community that has your best interests at heart. But let me tell you such places are few and far between. I’ve searched for years after I joined crypto in 2014 and I gave up on staying with any of them. I decided to play crypto in solo-mode.
But by 2020, I figured doing this alone is no fun. Additionally, I wanted to take my experience to the next level, improve further, but also give back after two crypto cycles. Playing a solo game is fun only for a while, while interacting with others is where the spark is.
In January 2021, I decided to created Your Crypto Community. A place where members are empowered to take their own decisions and trust themselves first. It's easy to follow others in crypto, but most will take you to the slaughterhouse.
Overtime, YCC has evolved into a safe space in crypto. My goal, our goal as a community, is not to get you rekt, farm you for exit liquidity, or scam you. It’s to offer a platform to share your story so others can benefit, especially if you are further down the path than others.
That’s all I’m asking for.
But as it happens, I have other passions too. One of them is writing. This is my part-time hobby lets say. Instead of writing some book no one will read, I started this crypto substack. Got to blend passion with practical work, right?
After about a year of writing here, several of you decided to “pledge your support”. That meant if I decided to take this newsletter to the next level and offer a paid subscription, those pledges would turn into paying subscribers.
Intrigued, I went with it, and decided that I’ll do two newsletters per week. One is free for all as before (like this one) and the other is more geared towards existing Patrons that decided to support my work by turning into paid subscribers.
The paid newsletter has a free preview with my latest take on Bitcoin, but the remaining sections are under a paywall. What you get there is an easy to read and curated version of the best weekly alpha I am exposed to via Twitter, Discord, Telegram, my own research, and my private network of crypto contacts.
Hundreds of you decided to become Patrons, and for that, I am grateful. You see, your support sustains and motivates my passion. I can’t ask for a better combo. To show my appreciation, all Patron roles on our discord are for life once granted, regardless of your subscription status.
No week is the same and the market is the ultimate force that decides how things play. I can’t promise you the moon, but if you stick around, it will start glowing on you.
If you want to understand this market, you need to follow the incentives. You may ask, what is my incentive?
Growing YCC.
But not at any price and not at the expense of my members. This is why you won’t find another place quite like this one. The choice is yours.
This newsletter is made possible with the generous support of our community Patrons and partners. Upgrade your experience to show your support by clicking the below button or reach out to us on X or Discord to partner.
All info is provided for educational purposes only and is not financial advice.